Everything is energy, our body, our thoughts, emotions, experiences, our interactions with people, animals and plants. This is based on quantum physics. We are surrounded by an energetic body in which everything is stored, our thoughts, our experiences and our emotions, as well as those of our ancestors. We are not aware of it. It just happens. Some energies strengthen us, others weaken us. A kind word cheers our spirits, mockery and scorn make us feel small.
A transfer of energy to another person through the hands of a spiritual healer can influence the energies at work around us and within us. Self-healing powers can be activated so that vitalisation, regeneration and recovery are possible. However, this is never forced. It is always up to the soul and the body to accept these energetic impulses and thus initiate a self-healing process or not.
The intelligence-of-life healing methods can have an amazing effect due to the interplay of energy, information and consciousness. They are based on the five biological laws of nature and are able to stimulate our very own inner intelligence.
It is also possible to energetically cleanse the apartment/house and the property that the client lives in, to energetically shield sources of radiation and, if desired, to energetically charge gemstones or crystals.
You can take advantage of the following treatments with us:
- Bioenergetic vitalisation: recharge your batteries, feel good, harmonise, regenerate
- Energetic treatment for pain and discomfort in the body
- Energetic treatment for immune system imbalances
- Energetic stimulation of the immune system
- Energetic cleansing of the body and aura
- Energetic release and transformation of stressful feelings and traumatic experiences
- Energetic elimination of reaction patterns to heavy metals and chemicals
- Energetic apartment/house/property cleaning
- Energetic shielding of radiation sources and unwanted energies
- Energetic modification of foreign substances (implants, screws, prostheses, crowns, dentures) so that they are better tolerated.
- Energetic charging of crystals and gemstones as energetic protective stones.
For legal reasons, please note the following:
We are not doctors or alternative practitioners, do not make any diagnoses and do not make any promises of healing. The treatments do not replace a visit to a doctor or medication. The healing methods used are methods of spiritual healing and work by stimulating the self-healing powers.